Dr. Robert Peterka
Associate Professor
Dr. Robert Peterka is currently the Principal Investigator at the National Centre for Rehabilitation Auditory Research (NCRAR) of the Veterans Aministration Portland Health Care System and an Associate Professor at the Department of Neurology at Oregon Health & Science University. Dr. Peterka's research is focused on understanding the mechanisms that maintain balance during stance and gait, exploiting new methods to accurately measure how age and various neurological conditions affect these mechanisms, applying these methods to assess the effectiveness of rehabilitation, and developing balance aids that improve balance during gait.
Robert has a broad bioengineering and life sciences background that includes performing fundamental vestibular neurophysiology in animals, building clinical vestibular laboratories, developing new clinical tests of vestibular function, and applying engineering methods of system identification and control system modeling to characterize sensory integration and the sensory-to-motor transformations needed for balance control.