After 5+ years of operation as the Origins of Balance Deficits and Falls (OBDAF) Research Cluster, we are very pleased to announce that we have recently received formal approval to become the new "UBC Balance and Falls Research Centre" within the Faculty of Education at UBC-Vancouver.
As a Research Centre with dedicated labs in the Vancouver campus’ new Gateway Building, researchers at UBC and affiliated national and international Institutions will have access to state-of-the-art facilities to address the critical issue of balance deficits and falls by applying multi-disciplinary approaches to lead : a) the discovery of mechanisms contributing to healthy and pathological balance control, b) the identification of the most effective therapeutic interventions and prevention strategies for balance deficits and falls, and c) innovation and technological advances in balance assistive-devices and/or prosthetics to reduce the prevalence and impact of falls in high-risk populations.
Stay tuned for more details to come as we start plans to launch our new initiatives and exciting opportunities within the UBC Balance and Falls Research Centre!